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Our Expectations From Our Coaching Clients

Speaking on behalf of all professional personal trainers, we become personal trainers because we are dedicated to guiding individuals towards their goal. Nothing gives us a more rewarding feeling than seeing someone change in their health, habits and body. I believe it’s essential for both client and coach to have a clear understanding of what we can expect from each other. This article aims to illuminate what I, as a personal trainer, anticipate from you as my valued client, and what you can anticipate from me as a coach in return.


What I Expect From You, My Valued Client:


  1. Wholehearted Commitment: Just as I’m invested in tailoring a fitness plan that suits your needs, I expect you to be wholeheartedly committed to the journey. Your consistent presence during sessions and your dedication to putting in the required effort are crucial for achieving your goals.
  2. Transparent Communication: Your fitness journey is a collaborative effort, and open communication is at its so important. Share your fitness history, preferences, and any concerns openly with me. This information helps me create a plan that’s not only effective but also aligned with your capabilities as an individual and goals. This also allows me to adjust anything along the way.
  3. Eagerness to Learn: Fitness isn’t just about getting a good workout in; it’s about understanding the principles behind each exercise, learning about proper form, each exercise is a skill and grasping the significance of nutrition. Your willingness to learn gives you the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
  4. Trust in the Process: Sometimes the journey might not seem straightforward, and results may not be immediate. I urge you to trust in the process and the plan we’ve crafted. With dedication and consistency, you will see progress and positive changes over time.
  5. Dedication and Perseverance: We design workouts to challenge you, to help you discover your strengths, and to push your limits. I expect you to give your best effort during our sessions and to persevere even when facing tough moments. Your commitment directly influences your progress. Some days you won’t feel like training, and that’s ok I have those days also, you can still come in and do your best just let your coach know the status on how you are feeling.

What You Can Expect From us as Your Personal Trainer:

  1. Personalised Guidance: Your goals and you are unique, and so should be your fitness plan. We will provide you with personalised guidance that takes into account your goals, fitness level based on an assessment that we have taken you through, and any limitations you might have. Any professional coach worth his salt will never throw a cookie cutter program at a client. A professional coach will assess first then design a program and a strategy tailored toward you as an individual.  
  2. Support system: You coach is here to encourage you, celebrate your successes, guide you and to provide a support system during the more challenging times. Your victories are mine as well, and I’m committed to helping you stay inspired throughout your journey. There’s nothing more that we want than to see you succeed and be a stronger healthier version of you!
  3. Expertise and Knowledge: As your personal trainer, We are dedicated to continuously upgrading our knowledge to provide you with the best guidance. Expect high quality control on all exercises, nutritional strategies that work for you and your lifestyle, and full support outside of sessions.
  4. Adaptability: Life is unpredictable, and circumstances might change. We are prepared to adapt your fitness plan when needed, whether due to shifts in your goals, injuries, lifestyle stress or any challenges that may arise.
  5. Positive Environment: Our training sessions will be conducted in a positive, non-judgmental environment that encourages progression, growth and self-improvement. We are here to listen, to address your concerns, and to make our sessions enjoyable yet productive.
  6. Progress Tracking: I will help you track your progress, providing insights into how far you’ve come. Regular assessments/check ins will guide our journey and enable us to make any necessary adjustments for optimal results. The fitness journey is ongoing and there is no end, we all need to keep ourselves strong and fit throughout our lifetime, as we embark the journey of life our fitness journey may also change along the way, as your coach we are here to help you every step of the way.

The journey together as personal trainer and client is built on a foundation of shared expectations. By understanding and respecting what each of us brings to this partnership, we can create an environment that fosters growth, transformation, and achievement.

I have been fortunate to personally coach individuals for over a decade and take them through many stages of their lives it’s a huge honour to have been part of many journeys and the best thing about it is building lifelong relationships and friendships built on trust. 



Personal Trainers Tips for Overcoming the Obstacles to Achieving Your Physique Goals

Achieving the desired physique requires dedication, effort, and a strategic approach to training and nutrition. As a personal trainer, I have noticed several common key areas that often hinder individuals from reaching their physique goals. In this article, we will address these obstacles and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them and transform your physique.

Insufficient Effort:

One of the primary reasons individuals fail to achieve their desired physique is the lack of effort. Wanting it badly enough is crucial for success. It’s essential to set clear goals, why do you want to achieve those goals, what would it mean to you? Create a plan, and commit yourself wholeheartedly to the process. Embrace the mindset that hard work and consistency are necessary for real progress. Without putting in the right amount of effort consistently you will continue to fail to achieve the physique that you desire

Lack of Belief:

Individuals fail to progress because they do not believe it is possible, if this is you go an look at some real before and after photos and see the true powerful potential of what consistent training, nutrition and positive lifestyle changes can create. Look at the Paralympic competitors do you think they lack self belief, these individuals are a true inspiration and we should look at them and use it to increase our belief to the power of what is possible. Our unconscious beliefs can often hold us back, I am personally a strong believer in daily action towards your goals will help dispel any unconscious beliefs you may have about your ability, absolutely anything is possible when you take persistent action even if you stumble shake your boots off and carry on. The old Japanese saying ‘fall down seven times, get up eight.’ Believe me your going to make mistakes and progress will never be linear but if we can address our mistakes when they occur and implement strategies to overcome them once the stimulus for them reoccur on our path then that is only going to help us grow.

Neglecting Resistance Training:

While cardio and HIIT workouts are beneficial for overall fitness, neglecting resistance training can hinder your progress. To achieve a well-rounded and aesthetically pleasing physique, it’s crucial to work on all muscle groups. Resistance training helps build muscle, increase metabolism, and improve overall body composition. Your body will always look better with more muscle mass on your skeleton, we always get clients telling us within our personal training facility that they haven’t lost much scale weight but their clothes now fit and waist size has reduced, body composition is not the same as weight loss and weight loss will not always help you achieve and aesthetic physique. Get serious about using your muscles under resistance and watch your body transform.  

Weekend Setbacks:

Many individuals find it challenging to maintain discipline and healthy habits during social gatherings or weekends. It’s common for one day off to turn into a week of unhealthy choices. Avoid this trap by planning ahead and making conscious decisions about your food and drink intake. Moderation is key, and occasional treats are fine, but ensure they don’t derail your progress.

Allowing Bad Habits to Persist:

To achieve your goals, it’s essential to address and eliminate bad habits that counteract your efforts. Be mindful of your choices throughout the day, including nutrition, hydration, and overall lifestyle. Consistency and commitment outside of training sessions are just as important as the work you put in at the gym.

Focusing on Load over Quality Reps:

As a personal trainers, when we are coaching our clients through movements, the first thing we are there to do is quality control. It’s not about how much weight you lift; it’s about the execution of each exercise how stable are you in certain ranges of the movement, can you access the full range of the movement are you intently using the muscles required for the movement or are you mindlessly just moving through space. Focus on proper form, tempo, and muscle contraction to maximise results. Quality movements lead to better muscle recruitment, a more effective workout and more importantly you will see massive changes in your physique. I cannot tell you how many times I see individuals throwing weights around in the gym even individuals that are been coached by personal trainers, swinging, bouncing and using momentum to move a weight around uses minimal muscle recruitment, if your goal is to build a physique then this is a major NO from me my friends. 

Underestimating the Importance of Nutrition:

Transforming your physique requires a comprehensive approach that includes proper nutrition. Two to three sessions per week with a personal trainer alone won’t be sufficient if you neglect your diet. Pay attention to your calorie intake, macronutrient balance, and the quality of your food choices. As personal trainers we tend to to develop a personalised nutrition plan based on what your needs are and also based on what you can do consistently for a long period of time. Find a starting point that you can keep consistent and read the first point on insufficient effort because this is the area that most individuals fail with. If you find that you cannot keep your nutrition under control then I strongly recommend that you hire a meal prep company to prep your meals for the week so they can take the effort of preparing your meals from you.     

Fear of Bulking:

The misconception that resistance training will make you bulky is prevalent among both males and females. In my personal training career I cannot tell you how many times I have been told by both males and female clients that they do not want to become to bulky, I wish it was that easy! It’s important to understand that achieving a muscular physique requires specific training protocols, a nutritional surplus of calories over time, a small amount of genetics and also all bodybuilders male and female who have large amounts of muscle mass are on a lot of hormones and drugs to achieve that and it is impossible to achieve those levels of muscle mass without these enhancements . Resistance training is essential for sculpting and toning your body, improving overall strength, and boosting your metabolism to create a good looking physique. 

Insufficient Intensity in Training:

To progress and break through plateaus, you need to continually challenge your body. Applying progressive overload using the combination of mechanical tension and metabolic stress as a means to increase the intensity of your workouts. Incorporate techniques like drop sets, rest-pause sets, or supersets to push your limits and prolong your sets. Work with a personal trainer to develop a well-structured program that gradually increases intensity over time when they can qualify your quality to ensure you can progress loads in a safe manner. If your coasting through your workouts its likely you need a kick up the back side to increase your intensity and progress your physique. 

To achieve the physique you desire, it’s crucial to address and overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. Embrace the mindset of hard work, commit to a well-rounded training program that includes resistance training, prioritise nutrition, and maintain consistency and discipline both in and outside of the gym and more importantly put in tons of effort. Remember, transforming your physique is a journey that requires dedication, but the results are well worth it. Believe in yourself and put the effort in and you will reap what you sow!!


Approach to Reducing Alcohol Consumption

As a personal trainer, we see many clients with the habit of consuming alcohol consistently and on some occasions daily for example a couple of glasses of wine with their evening meal.


Our goal as personal trainers is to help our clients create a lifestyle that promotes optimal health and well-being. One habit that often hinders this progress is this excessive alcohol consumption. Whether it’s a glass of wine with dinner or a few drinks during social gatherings, alcohol can have a significant impact on our overall health. In this guide, we will provide strategies to help you reduce your alcohol intake, using the glasses of wine with the evening meal as an example.


Bring Awareness to the Habit:


The first step in breaking any habit is to bring awareness to it. Take a moment to reflect on your evening alcohol consumption habit and acknowledge its impact on your health and well-being. Recognise the need for change and commit to making a positive transformation. If your goal is weight loss think about how much easier your journey would be without the extra calories each week from the consumption.


Modify Your Environment:


Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your habits. Create an environment that supports your goal of reducing alcohol consumption. Remove alcohol from your home or keep it in a less accessible place. Replace alcoholic beverages with healthier alternatives such as infused water, herbal tea, or fresh juices. By making these alternatives readily available, you’ll make it easier to resist the urge to reach for alcohol.


Establish New Routines:


Breaking a habit often involves replacing it with a new, healthier routine. Identify the moments or activities that typically precede your evening alcohol consumption. Then, deliberately modify those routines to align with your goal of reducing alcohol intake. For example, if you usually pour yourself a drink immediately after entering the kitchen, replace that action with pouring a glass of water or engaging in a short stretching routine. By consciously altering your routine, you’ll gradually create a new pattern that does not involve alcohol.


Start Small and Gradual:


Attempting to eliminate a habit overnight can be overwhelming and discouraging. Instead, focus on small, manageable steps. Start by reducing the quantity of alcohol you consume or replacing some of your evening alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic alternatives. By taking gradual steps, you’ll give your body and mind time to adjust, making it easier to break the habit in the long run.


Find Healthy Substitutes:


Breaking a habit becomes easier when you find healthier alternatives that fulfil the same underlying needs. Explore activities or beverages that provide relaxation, stress relief, or enjoyment without the negative effects of alcohol. Engage in physical exercise, practice mindfulness or deep breathing techniques, do some mobility and stretching or enjoy a flavourful herbal tea. Experiment with different options to find what works best for you and aligns with your goals.


Seek Support and Accountability:


Accountability can be a powerful tool in breaking habits. Share your intention to reduce alcohol consumption with a trusted friend, family member, or work with your personal trainer. They can provide encouragement, understanding, and support throughout your journey. Consider finding a buddy with similar goals, and together, you can motivate each other and celebrate milestones along the way. If one of you falls off track the other give give your friend or coach £10 for each drink you have, write a contract between you and make it extra motivating to stay on track.


Breaking the habit of over consuming alcohol understandingly requires commitment, patience, and a supportive approach. As a personal trainer, I encourage you to bring awareness to your habit, modify your environment, establish new routines, start small and gradual, find healthy substitutes, and seek support and accountability. Remember, progress may take time, but with determination, consistency and these strategies, you can break free from this habit and embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle and achieve the body you have been working hard for.


A Superstar in the Gym but a Villain Outside of the Gym: Balancing Nutrition and Lifestyle for Optimal Results

Many individuals dedicate themselves to rigorous training routines, putting in countless hours at the gym and pushing their bodies to the limit. However, despite their commitment to fitness, some people struggle to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle choices outside of the gym. If this is you please take a few minutes to read this article, where we will dive into this and shed light on how these choices can greatly hinder your progress. We’ll address the importance of a well-rounded approach that combines exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits for optimal results. Additionally, we’ll provide adherence tips and insights to help individuals stay on track and communicate effectively with their coaches.


You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet:


When it comes to fitness and body composition, nutrition plays a pivotal role. No matter how intense your workouts are, if the calories you consume exceed the calories you burn, progress will be limited. The key to success lies in finding the right balance between energy intake and expenditure and consistently adhering to it.


Building Muscle and Protein Consumption:


Consuming an adequate amount of protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Unfortunately, individuals who struggle with adhering to their nutrition plans often neglect their protein intake. Protein provides the necessary building blocks for muscle tissue, and without sufficient protein, muscle gains can be compromised.


Recommendation: It is generally recommended to consume around 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for individuals engaged in regular resistance training. Adjustments may be needed based on individual factors and goals.


Alcohol’s Impact on Muscle Building:


Excessive alcohol consumption can sabotage muscle growth and body fat reduction. When alcohol is metabolised, it takes precedence over other macronutrients, impairing protein synthesis. Moreover, alcohol interferes with testosterone production, a crucial hormone for muscle building and maintenance.


Scientific Research: Several studies have shown that alcohol consumption can decrease testosterone levels in men. For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that acute alcohol intake significantly lowered testosterone levels in men.


Alcohol’s Effects on Sleep:


Quality sleep is vital for recovery and overall well-being. Unfortunately, alcohol disrupts sleep patterns, leading to fragmented and less restorative sleep. Poor sleep negatively affects muscle repair, cognitive function, and hormone regulation and you are more likely to crave high calorie foods after a poor nights sleep.


Alcohol’s Impact on the Gut:


Alcohol can harm the gut microbiome, the complex ecosystem of microorganisms that play a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall health. Excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria, leading to digestive issues and impaired nutrient absorption which further needs to deficiencies which can cause individual’s to develop cravings.


Adherence Tips:


a. Communicate with Your Coach: If you find it challenging to adhere to your nutritional program, communicate openly with your coach. Discuss your struggles, preferences, and potential barriers. They can help tailor the plan to make it more manageable and realistic for you.

b. Plan Ahead: Prepare your meals and snacks in advance to avoid impulsive food choices. Having nutritious options readily available makes it easier to stick to your plan.

c. Set Realistic Goals: Make sure your weight loss goals align with your readiness to make lifestyle changes. Losing weight requires actions beyond the gym, such as dietary adjustments and healthier habits. Be honest with yourself and your coach about your commitment level.


Calculating the Caloric Impact of Daily Wine Consumption:


Let’s assume a large glass of wine contains approximately 180 calories. If you consume one large glass of wine every evening with dinner, that adds up to 1,260 calories per week (180 calories x 7 days).

Considering that there are approximately 3,500 calories in a pound of body fat, consuming an extra 1,260 calories per week from wine alone could result in gaining approximately 2 lbs of of fat in a one month and 24 lbs of Fat in one year.


To burn that off each week to burn 1,260 calories, you would have to run an extra 12.6 miles:

1,260 calories / 100 calories per mile = 12.6 miles.


This shows that small habits that many individuals assume that may not have an impact can hinder progression, as Personal Trainers we try and dial in and leverage on all of small details that we can use to our advantage to help our clients succeed.


While dedicating oneself to intense training is commendable, it is crucial to recognise that exercise alone is not enough to achieve optimal results. Nutrition and lifestyle choices play a significant role in shaping our fitness and body composition goals. By understanding the importance of a balanced diet, sufficient protein intake, and the detrimental effects of excessive alcohol consumption, individuals can maximise their efforts both inside and outside the gym. Follow the adherence tips provided to overcome challenges, communicate effectively with your coach, and make lasting progress toward your fitness goals.