The effect of volume on muscle growth
The effect of volume on muscle growth
The study: Schoenfeld, B. J., Contreras, B., Krieger, J., Grgic, J., Delcastillo, K., Belliard, R., & Alto, A. (2019). Resistance training volume enhances muscle hypertrophy but not strength in trained men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 51(1), 94
- 45 men with an average lifting experience of 4.4 years of lifting performed the same exercises in the 8-12 rep range, 3x per week for 8 weeks
- The men were split into 3 groups. One performed each exercise for 1 set per session, one group for 3 sets per session and 1one group for 5 sets per session
- The results found a dose-response-relationship between sets performed and change in muscle thickness (muscle hypertrophy)
- This was still the case with extremely high volumes up to 45 sets.
Summary and application:
- In summary, the study supports the idea that higher volume results in increased hypertrophy even up to very high levels of volume (45 sets on a muscle group per week)
- This information is applicable to the general population who may be experiencing plateaus in their training, which could be down to them not increasing their volume for a prolonged period of time.
- How can you increase volume without spending vast amounts of time in the gym? Methods include drop sets, rest-pause sets and giant sets.
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